Most of the time an interruption is an inconvenience. In these stories interruptions are a pivotal turning points. Be surprised by God this season.
November 29th – Advent 1 – Hope: A Family Gathering (Luke 1:26-56) Welcome to the first Sunday in Advent. In Advent we prepare to receive the Christ who comes to us. Over these coming weeks, we will experience together, “blessed interruptions.” The unexpected, is a reality of our Christmas season. You are invited to anticipate, and to embrace, the intrusions of the Divine. Come Lord Jesus. Today we share in the blessed interruptions of Mary’s life. A warm welcome to all. Guest performance of the Mimico Children’s Choir.
(Note: We regret some technical issues with this recording.)
Devotional Thought: As you face the busyness and glitz of the Christmas season, pay attention to the glimpses and splashes of grace. These interruptions that break through the noise may be God reaching out to you.
December 6th – Advent 2 – Peace: Joseph has a Dream (Matthew 1:18-25) Joseph was looking forward to his coming married life with his sweetheart Mary. They had spoken of their coming life together and how they dreamed it would unfold before them. They had it all mapped out and then some angels came and messed things up.
Devotional Thought: We all have our dreams of what we want or hope for. Are you prepared to have God plant an even greater dream for your life? What might be God’s dream for you? Are you open to receive it?
December 13th – Advent 3 – Joy: Christmas Cantata by our Choir. Emmanuel – God with us. Christmas is the season when we want to be with those who matter to us – family and friends. It is a time too when we miss those who are not with us. Into our laughter and our longings comes Jesus – Emmanuel – God is with us.
Devotional Thought: God invites his people to courage and action, with the assurance that he is with them. This promise of God was brought closer with the coming of Christ- Emmanuel. Jesus and you – a call to courageous action. How will that find expression in your life?
December 20th – Advent 4 – Love : Angels in the Fields (Luke 2:8-20) Not much ever happens when you are out in the fields at night watching the sheep. Fighting the need for sleep and the occasional predator are about as exciting as it gets. We all know about routine and tedium. Not this night. This is a night that would become
Devotional Thought: The shepherds were drawn from the dull, tedious routines of their night watch to an awakened world of wonder, joy and God with us. Answer the joyous angelic proclamation and come to worship the Saviour King.
December 24th, 6:30pm – Advent 5 – Jesus: Christmas Eve Candlelight Service A Gift of God (Luke 2:9 – 14; John 1:14) What is the best gift you could receive? What is at the top of your wish list? How about, what is the greatest gift you could give? On the first Christmas, a colossal gift, poorly wrapped in the tiniest of packages, would change the world. Join us for this wonderful family and community service.
Devotional Thought: Remember God’s gift of himself to you as you open and enjoy the gifts of your family. How will you celebrate and appreciate the coming of Jesus to you and your Christmas?
December 27th – Flight to Egypt (Matthew 2:13-18) The story of Christmas also reminds us that Jesus was born into a broken and sometimes dangerous world. Shortly after his birth his family would be forced to flee. They would be refugees to Egypt. In a world of millions of displaced people we come to the one who helps the lost to a new home.
(Note: We apologize for some technical difficulties with this recording.)
Devotional Thought: The Mimico Refugee Response is a wonderful way for you to help welcome a family fleeing crisis. Go to the link on our church web site to see the ways you can participate.