April 6th 11:00 Seriously Lord? (Matthew 16:13-28) Jesus talked to his disciples about what faced him in Jerusalem. He talked of his coming suffering and death. He also told them that following him means taking up a cross. This was hard to comprehend for the disciples and Peter rebukes Jesus for such talk, “Lord, This shall never happen to you!” As we approach the remembrance of Christ’s death and resurrection we are invited to get serious about what it means to be a disciple.
April 13th 11:00 Palms up (Matthew 21:1-17) Jesus entered Jerusalem with great fan fare – waving palms and shouts of praise. Today is Palm Sunday. He went to the temple where he upset a lot of things and people. He caused quite a stir. Today we come with our palms – the palms of our hands – open to receive. We come to know this Jesus and to have our hearts stirred to action.
Friday April 18th 10:30 Good Friday Service: This joint service of area churches will be held this year at Wesley Mimico United Church. All are welcome as we remember and contemplate the death of Christ on the cross. By his wounds we are healed.
April 20th 11:00 Easter Sunday Service – Our choir will be presenting Come, Touch the Robe – a choral presentation about Jesus. A brief message about the resurrection of and resurrecting work of Jesus will be given by Pastor Jim. Some new Christians will testify to their faith in baptism. This promises to be a great service of celebration.
April 27th 11:00 The Ascension (Acts 1:-11) Many weeks after Jesus resurrection he gave his disciples some parting words of promise and instruction. He then made a dramatic departure reminding the disciples that he would be returning in like manner. We will explore the significance of this event. We are thrilled to have the Mimico Children’s Choir performing in the service.