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Alvin Lau

Kenosis (January 19, 2025)

The Greek word Kenosis means “to empty”. Jesus emptied himself of the rights and privileges of being God, to serve us, his beloved people. Philippians 2:7 and Mark 10:45 describe his attitudes; attitudes we are to adopt and live by. This has significant implication on how we live, how we treat ourselves, how we treat our friends,… Read More »Kenosis (January 19, 2025)

ESL Winter 2025 Classes

ESL 2025 first semester will start on February 5 Classes are free and held on Zoom every Wednesday, with different levels available. Register below, stating your level. You are welcome to register for more than one level.

Koinonia (January 5, 2025)

In this series, we’ll look at three Greek words and biblical concepts: Koinonia, (community), Kiros (God’s view of ‘the times’) and Kenosis (emptying oneself for others.) Koinonia appears in classical Greek philosophy as the ideal relationship to be sought after, sometimes described as “the fellowship of life.” Plato wrote about “a golden age” – happiness,… Read More »Koinonia (January 5, 2025)

God is at Work (December 29, 2024)

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This is, of course, the traditional Sunday to reflect on what has happened in our community over the last year. A lot has happened: comings and goings, celebrations and griefs, baptisms and burials, heart elations and deflations… As we consider what has happened, and we consider what might come in the next year, we need… Read More »God is at Work (December 29, 2024)

105th Anniversary Service (January 26, 2025)

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As we celebrate 105 years of ministry in the Mimico neighbourhood, we are excited to have Rev. Johnny Dalisay (Director of Toronto Baptist Ministries) sharing God’s word with us.

Advent 4: Love (December 22, 2024)

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The fourth Advent Candle represents ‘Love.’ This is the climax of the advent story; without knowing the Love of God through Jesus we can’t know what Hope, Peace and Joy are. God is Love, the Bible declares this as simply as possible. We need to rediscover God’s love in this world of division, aggression and… Read More »Advent 4: Love (December 22, 2024)

In Memoriam: John Wiseman

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We are saddened by the passing of John Wiseman on Friday, December 13 in his 88th year. He was predeceased by his wife Joyce, his inseparable partner, and friend. John was lovingly and faithfully present with her all through the 59 years of their marriage. John was the brother of Henry, Irene, Doug, Florence, Lillian,… Read More »In Memoriam: John Wiseman