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Breaking New Ground (Jan-Feb 2020)

God is always doing a new thing. After 100 years as a church in Mimico we don’t want to be locked into a routine or rut. The idea of breaking new ground has a number of meanings. Think of the act of cultivating soil to plant seeds. Think of the first stages of a new construction. Think of going into areas unknown. Think of trying something new. Think of following the Lord’s lead into the new reality that is our context. These are exciting times.

(Please note: All service times are 10:30 am unless otherwise stated.)

January 12: Abraham – Father of Faith (Genesis 12:1-9) In this our one hundredth year we are drawing strength, inspiration and courage to leave where we are and to follow Jesus where he would call and lead us. We look to the father of faith, Abraham, as our example. What can we learn from this great story as we continue in ours?

Devotional thought: How is your faith like Abraham’s?

January 19: Go to the place I will show you (Genesis 12:1-9) Abraham was asked to leave the familiar and to go to a place unknown and new. This required trust in the One going with and before him. This has been the path of the people of faith for millennia. As we move into our one hundredth year, what new path might we travel? 

Devotional thought: Does trying something new scare you or excite you?

January 26: Celebrating 100 years of the faithfulness of God and his people – We are pleased to welcome the Rev. Tim McCoy (Executive Minister of CBOQ) to bring our centennial message called “In All Things” (1 Peter 4:8-11). This is an historic milestone for our church.

February 2: Mystery (Isaiah 55:6-13 & Ephesians 3:1-11) There is a lot we don’t understand when it comes to how God works. I suppose he wouldn’t be much of a God if he was small enough for us to fully understand him. We, the people of faith, live with mystery. God is moves in ways that are beyond our comprehension. This brings larger dimensions to our living because with God, all things are possible.  

Devotional thought: Have you a question for God?

February 9: Love Your Church First (1 Corinthians 13) In this service we combine the themes of Valentine’s Day with the Chinese New Year. The service will be hosted and led by our Mandarin Ministry. Pastor Linying will bring the message. Service will be followed with some Chinese refreshments.

February 16: Memory (Deuteronomy 6) The Lord does not want us to forget him, nor to forget who we are because of him. The Lord gave memory aids to his people, he warned them not to forget and he sent prophets to remind them. Memory in many ways defines us and gives us our identity. How is your memory? 

Devotional thought: In the story of your life, what are the defining moments?

February 23: Mission (Genesis 12:2-3, Exodus 33:15-16, Acts 1:8, Matthew 28:16-20) The mission is God’s. He invites us to live into it and even to participate. It helps to be reminded of this as we make our mission plans. Can we begin with discerning what he is up to and then ask him how we might be involved?  

Devotional thought: What do you think the Lord is up to in your community?