The health and safety of Mimico Baptist Church congregants and guests is our top priority. MBC has initiated a number of precautions in addition to our regular efforts in order to ensure the safest environment possible. In light of COVID-19 developments, here are our latest updates.
With the imposed state of emergency, we are postponing all public gatherings until at least May 31, 2020. The Board of Directors will re-evaluate this status to determine when public gatherings can resume.
Our Sunday morning services will be streamed on YouTube. The service video will be pre-recorded and then premiered on Sunday at 10:30 am; we encourage you to join at that time. The video will also be available afterwards on our sermon page after 11:30 am. We will email the order of service and song lyrics the Friday before the service. (You can subscribe here and choose “community”.)
Join the Zoom watch party. During the premiere of the YouTube video, you can join others on Zoom (either on a computer or by phone) to watch the service together, to share comments in the chat section and then see everyone for 15 min. following the end of the video service. (Details are emailed, so subscribe here and choose “community”.)
Our Mandarin ministry will be hosting their Friday night Bible studies and Sunday afternoon service online. For more information, contact Linying Liu.
Youth group meets on Zoom, Fridays at 4:00 pm. We are sharing our stories, playing some games and discovering our way through the story of Jesus using the Gospel According to Mark. Please contact Pastor Jim if you would like to be included. See youth page for details.
Bible Study: We are hosting Bible study as a conference call on Wednesday and Thursday nights, 7:00-8:00 pm. We are currently studying Revelation. Please email Pastor Jim if interested. People can join the study at any time. New participants welcome.
Alpha Course Online? We are hoping to offer this excellent and engaging presentation of the Christian faith online ( If you are either interested in taking the course or of helping with it, please contact Pastor Jim.
Our Daily Bread: A daily devotional booklet is available to anyone who would like one. Would be mailed or dropped off with appropriate measures. Contact Pastor Jim.
The ESL classes (originally scheduled to start on March 26) will be postponed until further notice.
If you need help, support, please contact Pastor Jim at 416-251-2855 or
If you’re feeling nervous or anxious about COVID-19, you’re not alone. Being concerned and empathetic about this outbreak is normal.
Stick to the facts as communicated by public-health agencies or medical professionals. If you’re concerned, sites that include accurate information include: World Health Organization, Public Health Agency of Canada
Try and keep it in perspective. Social media can amplify misinformation. Keep in mind that there’s a concerted global effort to try and contain this virus, and the World Health Organization (WHO) is maintaining a webpage with answers to common questions.
If you are feeling stressed, anxious, or depressed and want to speak to someone, you can reach our pastors and we have other support services available.
If you are a member of the church, we encourage you to continue your regular offering through one of the options on our donations page. If you are a guest, you are under no obligation to give; any donation would be greatly appreciated.
If for some reason you are in the church building, upon entering, we encourage you to wash your hands with soap in our washrooms or use hand sanitizer (preferably your own), and to practice social distancing. We also encourage you to proactively practice preventative measures (see Toronto Public Health’s website).
We will continue to have the building cleaned regularly.
Do you have a talent for sewing and would like to join a group of people making masks for organizations engaging with vulnerable people? Click here to download the PDF for more details.
If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact Pastor Jim at 416-251-2855 or, or Alvin Lau at 416-728-7094 or
Updated: March 24, 2020