April 2: Sunday is a Comin’ (John 5:16-30) Jesus talks to his persecutors to try and help them understand that they are witnessing the greatest moment of history. God was doing something amazing in their midst and they were missing it. Jesus speaks of renewal and life as he alludes to the resurrection. What is the message for us as we approach the celebration of Easter?
Devotional Thought: Have you considered that some of the hardest things to believe about Jesus seem to be among the most important and wonderful?
April 9: Palm Sunday – Your King has Come (John 12:12-19) A week before Jesus was to die he rides humbly into Jerusalem on a donkey. The people greeted him with waving palm branches and shouts of praise. Their King had come. Today in our worship we honour Jesus as our King and invite others to join the celebration. “Look, the whole world has gone after him.” We are pleased to welcome the Mimico Children’s Choir and their families.
Devotional Thought: How do you show your allegiance to the King?
April 16: Easter Sunday will be a glorious celebration of the resurrection of Christ and the promise of a new world. Our choir will present a cantata, Lift High the Cross, by Lloyd Lawson. It is an invitation to take the journey of faith. It is a powerful message filled with hope. “Lift high the cross, the love of Christ proclaim till all the world adore his sacred name.”
Devotional Thought: Consider that the cross took on life giving significance after the resurrection. Before that is was a sign of death and horror. What does the cross of Christ mean to you?