Reflecting God’s Love to a World in Need
This series of messages fits into our 2019 theme: “Taste and see – being salt and light”. The material is adapted from a resource produced by Compassion Canada. How we view God, others and the world around us can shape who we are and how we live. Lord, give us eyes to see.
September 8: God’s Eyes (Genesis 1-3 & Colossians 1:15-20)Can we begin to see the needs around us with God’s eyes? We will consider the world’s brokenness as well as the healing produced by Christ. God’s eyes see clearly the present and the future. His eyes will enable us to better see our ministry opportunities.
September 15: Seeing Ourselves (Luke 9:23-25; Romans 12:1-2) This is a day for some soul searching and self-examination. There are many forces, chosen or not, that shape who we are becoming. Our Lord seeks to renew and transform our lives. Are you working with or in opposition to what God wants to do in your life?
September 22: Seeing God (Luke 4:16-21, 7:22 & Matthew 28:19-20) Jesus has made God visible to us. We need the eyes of faith, prompted by the Spirit to see God at work in our communities. Jesus, the Light of the World, not only helps us to see but to also shine his redemptive work.
September 29: Seeing Others (James 2:4-6; Isaiah 1:17; Acts 2:42-47) Do you see others clearly and truthfully. sometimes our view of others can be distorted by prejudice and false assumptions. How we respond to such a distorted view is not always appropriate. What does it mean to have the look of love?
October 6: Compassion Canada – We are pleased to welcome Compassion Ambassador, Brad Guldemond, a gifted speaker and musician. You can learn more about Brad here on his website: He will both speak and lead us in worship. Compassion provides a comprehensive mission and ministry among needy families of the world.
October 13: Thanksgiving (Psalm 100) This service will focus on expressions of gratitude to God and to one another. We give thanks for the faithfulness of God and his people. Join us in appreciation of God’s gifts.
October 20: Cornerstone Service – Founded on Christ – Rededication with Dr. Gary Nelson, member of our church and President of Tyndale University, College and Seminary. It was in October of 1922 that the cornerstone was laid for our church building. We honour the generosity and commitment of the founders of MBC that so quickly after formation they had raised the funds, purchased land and were putting up a building.
October 27: Seeing the World (Genesis 1:28 & Matthew 28:19- 20) God calls us to be stewards in the midst of his creation. Much of the world’s poverty and environmental trouble is rooted in humanities failure to live into this call. How can we do our part to bring justice and healing to our world?
November 3: That 70’s Sunday – with Rev. Steve Jones, Pastor of MBC 1977-1983. We look forward to having Steve return and share the message of Christ with us as well as some of his memories. Following the service, we will enjoy a pizza party lunch.
November 10: Remember (Joshua 4:19-24) We will give attention to the MBC 1945 Dedication of Soldiers’ Plaque. We will also take time to honour those who served and who serve in peace and protection services. Lest we forget. (No audio recording available.)
November 17: Seeing Ourselves as Bearers of God’s Love (Isaiah 58 & Revelation 21:3-5) In this exciting service we will consider the potential and the possibilities of a people called of God, filled with the Spirit and following Jesus. This is a movement you want to be a part of.
November 24: A Place Near Me (Exodus 33:12-23) – When you come to a banquet, you look for the setting assigned to you. You want to know there is a place for you. Have you ever felt out of place? It is not a good feeling. We learn that there is a place for you. It is a good location where you are truly home. Together, let us find our place, a glorious location near to God. Sermon by Linying Liu.