September 13
theme: A thankful heart is a happy heart.
verse of the day: Psalm 103:2 “Praise the LORD, my soul, and never forget all the good he has done.”
ask this at home: What ways can you express thankfulness to God?
September 20
theme: God is our rescuer.
verse of the day: 1 Timothy 2:4 “He wants all people to be saved and to learn the truth.”
ask this at home: Why do you think God wants to rescue people?
September 27
theme: God calls us to help with his rescue.
verse of the day: John 20:21 “Jesus said to them again, ‘Peace be with you! As the Father has sent me, so I am sending you.’”
ask this at home: What are ways you can also rescue people?
October 4
theme: Stand Back and Watch the Rescue
verse of the day: Exodus 14:14
theme: Oh give thanks, for He is good.
verse of the day: Psalm 107:1
October 18
theme: What Rescued People Do
verse of the day: Psalm 119:35
October 25
theme: Rescued people meet their rescuer.
verse of the day: Psalm 29:2b
theme: Remember the rescue.
verse of the day: Joshua 4:24
November 8
theme: God’s victory breaks down walls.
verse of the day: 1 Corinthians 15:57
November 15
theme: Our rescuer wants us to surrender all.
verse of the day: Joshua 1:7
November 22
theme: Always talk to God, our rescuer.
verse of the day: Philippians 4:6b
November 29
theme: A rescuer who listens and does mighty deeds.
verse of the day: Zephaniah 3:17a
December 6
theme: Get Real (Jesus came for real)
verse of the day: Acts 10:43
December 13
theme: Get right (Jesus came to get us right with God).
verse of the day: Romans 5:1
December 20
theme: Get ready (Jesus will come again).
verse of the day: Luke 12:40
December 27
theme: Get rappin’
verse of the day: Luke 2:17