We will take a fresh look at John’s Gospel. Of the four accounts of Jesus’ life and teachings, John takes a unique approach. Written to the church it is an accessible story rich in significance and insight. He describes and demonstrates the great truths of salvation, creation\re-creation, incarnation, the kingdom of God, belief and practice. We will apply all this to today’s reality.
September 10 – Search Light (John 8:12-58) We come attentive to Jesus, the ‘Light of the World’ and humbly learn his ways. In a very volatile situation Jesus uses light and truth to expose some very dangerous and ugly realities behind the actions of those who oppose him. The longer one has been in the dark, the more offensive light feels. Jesus brings the light of his truth into these very dark places. There is a darkness that would blind people to the truth. Jesus comes to set us free.
Devotional thought: Search me, God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.
September 17 – Work Light (John 9:1-12) In today’s remarkable story, Jesus gives sight to a man born blind. His disciples asked him, “Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?” The story raises questions about justice and what is behind the brokenness of our lives and world. Jesus’s answer gives much to consider. The passage has good news for us all.
Devotional thought: Is it possible that some infirmity that you have might be a way through which you might experience God at work?
September 24 – Blind Sighted (John 9:13-41) The simple testimony of a person is a powerful witness to Jesus. “One thing I do know. I was blind but now I see!” While this man was now able to see, it seems that others – even with sight – could not. This blindness is of a different sort and far too common. Gratefully, Jesus still gives sight to the blind. What is your testimony?
Devotional thought: Can you think of a time when you were blind to the truth. Open our eyes Lord.
October 1 – Known (John 10:1-21) Jesus has come to declare and demonstrate the coming of the Kingdom of God. The language and image used is that of a shepherd caring for sheep. Jesus declares, “I am the Good Shepherd.” This passage is a window to the kind of relationship Christ our Shepherd King seeks to have with us.
Devotional thought: Have you found a way to know and recognize the voice of Jesus? “…his sheep follow because they know his voice”
October 15 – Believe it or Not (John 10:22-42) What is the best answer? To give the answer people want to hear or to give them the truth? Jesus asks the crowd to not only hear his words but to also observe his actions. People are looking for answers. Do we leave them in suspense? What do our word and deeds declare about our Lord?
Devotional thought: “What good is it if a person claims to have faith but has no deeds?” James 2:14
October 22 – Jesus Wept (John 11:1-37) At a funeral, Jesus makes a bold declaration of life over death – that he is the resurrection and the life. Jesus invites the mourners to faith and to find hope in him and who he is. This account of Jesus facing the death of a friend and sharing grief with loved ones is of comfort in our own times of loss. Do you believe this?
Devotional thought: What about this story would help you in a time of grief? That Jesus is the resurrection and the life gives us hope.
October 29 – Rise Up (John 11:38-45) In this dramatic event Jesus calls a dead man back to life. It is one thing to say you can raise the dead – it is another, to actually do it. Life wins over death. One has to believe that this event reminded Jesus of his own approaching death and a more significant resurrection. This story brings us to the gospel.
Devotional thought: Jesus performed this miracle of raising Lazarus before a crowd. That shows us the faith of Jesus. How do you make your faith public?
November 5 – Remembrance – One for All (John 11:45-57) In the passage we consider today Caiaphas the high priest says regarding Jesus, “…that it is better for you that one man die for the people than that the whole nation perish.” How Caiaphas understood this idea and how God intended it to be understood is something we need to address. At a time of year we remember the sacrifice of others for the whole we will consider the significance of the cross.
Devotional thought: “For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.” 1 Corinthians 1:18 What is the significance of the cross to you?
November 12 – Extravagance (John 12:1-11) A dinner is held in honour of Jesus at the home of the now living Lazarus and his two sisters, Mary and Martha. Jesus is approaching the time of crucifixion. With tremendous reverence and devotion Mary pours out all her love in an act of extravagant worship. This is questioned by Judas who had other intentions. This could be an interesting story to find yourself in. What are the lessons for you?
Devotional thought: Consider what you spend the most time, money and energy on. What values do they reflect? Do you think any changes are in order?
November 19 – A Seed Planted (John 12:20-36) Up to this point in John’s Gospel Jesus has often said, “My time has not yet come.” But now he reveals, “The hour has come for the Son of Man to be glorified.” He speaks of a seed planted the need to walk in the light and of being lifted up. These things he speaks to his would be followers. We will consider the significance of what Jesus says and what it means for us today.
Devotional thought: The gospel is sometimes described a seed planted in the ears of a listener. Has such a seed been planted in you? Are you ready to experience the symbolic death of being planted and coming to new life in resurrection by receiving the gospel in decision and baptism?
November 26 – Chronic Disbelief (John 12:37-50) Jesus faced what we continue to face – disbelief. He reminds us that the ramifications between belief and dismissal if more significant than most realize. Disbelief can have a deadening effect and has you rebelling against your Creator. Jesus affirms that he has come as a Saviour of the world.
Devotional thought: If you are not yet convinced about Jesus are you ready to take a closer look?