An invitation to a
Mid week Bible study Wednesdays 7:00 – 8:00 pm
The Gospel According to Matthew
Matthew, a tax collector turned disciple of Christ, helps us to see the story of Jesus inside of and realising the larger story of what God is doing. We are taken inside both the history and also the future as we live the present story of the world’s Saviour. Join us as week by week we read and dialogue through this record of good news. We start Wednesday October 8th. It is great if you can commit to coming regularly but if you can’t please know that you are welcome to come when you can. It helps if you can let me know if you are coming.
For those that can’t make it Wednesdays I would be willing to offer a similar study on Tuesday nights once or twice a month. If this is your preferred option please let me know. I need to measure the level of interest before I offer this.
We meet around a large table in the basement hall of the church – often with tea and light refreshments.