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News & Events

May 2015

May 3: “Grow up in Jesus” (KV: Hebrews 5:13-14) QFH: What are ways you can grow into a mature Christian?

May 10: “Jesus has the power to change us.” (KV: Acts 3:16) QFH: What would Jesus want you to change?

May 17: “Don’t put on an act to look good, but do good for Jesus.” (KV: 1 Samuel 16:7b) QFH: How does your outward actions match your inside motives?

May 24: “Team up! Don’t give up—no matter what!” (KV: Acts 5:32) QFH: What are examples of how you can share Jesus in your everyday life?

May 31: “Moms shine like stars when they serve with Jesus’ love.” (KV: Philippians 2:5) QFH: Who do you look up to the most and why?

(KV = key verse. QFH = question for home)