Have you ever wanted more? Perhaps it was a great dessert, or some good music or time with a close friend. When something is pleasing or good for us, our desire for it increases. We want more of what meets our deeper needs.
In Ecclesiastes 3:11 (New Living Translation) it says, “Yet God has made everything beautiful for its own time. He has planted eternity in the human heart, but even so, people cannot see the whole scope of God’s work from beginning to end.“
In 2021, we want more of Jesus. For some, it is a raised curiosity to know more about the one, they hope might bring sense, purpose and hope. For those who already know Jesus, it is a desire to go deeper, wider and higher. Together we are going to pursue and engage with Jesus.
(All services begin on Sunday at 10:30 am unless otherwise noted.)
January 24 – 101st Anniversary Service with Lynda MacGibbon. Lynda, a member of our church, is vice president of People and Culture for InterVarsity Canada. Before working for InterVarsity, she was a journalist for over twenty years. She recently completed a book sharing her experience of living out her faith in a high rise building in our community. The book is called My Vertical Neighbourhood (IVP). We are excited to learn from her experience.
March 28 – Palm Sunday- Triumphant (Luke 19:28-48) This day we celebrate what is described as Jesus triumphant journey into Jerusalem. What you see, might look more tragic or even comical than triumphant. What is the triumph of this event? Hosanna! Hallelujah!
March 21 – Anointed (Luke 7:36-50) The story we look at today is either scandalous or it is glorious. Either way, it is a story of great love and faith. The anointing of the Christ takes place in a most dramatic and surprising way.
March 14 – Asleep (Mark 4:35-41) Is it any comfort to you, that when in a boat, in the midst of a storm, Jesus is asleep. We might wonder in the midst of our own crisis, is Jesus awake to my need? Jesus calls us to faith.
March 7 – Tempted (Luke 4:1-13) This pandemic hasn’t put any restrictions on the assault of temptations we can experience. Knowing that Jesus faced a barrage of temptations and succeeded in deflecting them can teach us something. While temptations can be relentless, our Saviour is redemptive.
February 28 – Word (John 1:1-18) We know that words can be powerful. They can hurt and they can heal. They can comfort they can confuse. Jesus is the first and last Word. He is a Word that bring light and life. Let’s listen.
February 21 – Where’s the Light? (Psalm 40) Lent begins- In Lent we prepare for the gospel event. In the early church, it was a time of instruction and prayer. Today we learn to trust Jesus in the dark places of life. Consider that it in in dark places, the roots grow. Let’s put down roots.
February 14 – So Loved (John 3:16-21) Today is both Valentine ’s Day and the Chinese New Year. In that sense, it is both a celebration of love and of new beginnings. Today we look at the new beginning made possible by God’s love demonstrated by Christ. It is a love for you that is big enough for the world.
February 7 – With Us (Matthew 26:17-30) One of the great rituals Jesus gave to his followers to remember him by, was what we call, the Lord’s supper, or communion. When we look at the original meal Jesus shared with his disciples we are surprised to see that while there was some question of the loyalty of his followers – there was no holding back the commitment of Christ to them and to us. Let us learn more of Jesus at this meal.
January 31 – Silence (John 8:1-11) Sometimes we just need to be quiet. Today we consider the practice of silence, of listening, of reflection. In critical and stressful times, Jesus slowed things down. Let’s slow down, be still and know more of Jesus.
January 17: To Live as One (Job 2:3) The consistency and quality of our living is an indication of our character. Alvin takes us through some scriptures and experiences that help us to explore integrity.
January 10: Seek (Psalm 27) We were created with a natural urge to discover, to find, to learn. Terms that capture this are descriptors like, hunter, explorer, scholar, researcher, experimenter, seeker. Of all these pursuits, the Psalmists puts one above all others – to be in the presence of God. We are invited to be, and equipped to be seekers of God.
January 3 – Epiphany: Take a Journey (Matthew 2:1-12) We follow the Magi on an amazing journey of exploration and discovery. They sought diligently for what they deemed to be most important. Maybe joining some wise men and women on a journey of discovery in a good idea for 2021.