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November 2016 sermon series

November 6th – Life Given (John 16:33 & selected passages) In this week of remembrance let us lament not only for the world wars, but also for the current ongoing violence and injustice of our world. We grieve yes, but we grieve with hope. We’ll feel the brokenness of our world together and carry it to the throne of God. The church more honours her martyrs than her warriors. We remember, we lament, and we hear the call to give our lives in service of Christ, the Prince of Peace.
Devotional Thought: Jesus said, “Blessed are the peacemakers.” How are you making peace?
November 13th Spaces of Worship (1 Peter 2:4-12) We know the church is the people and not the building, but what of the building? Touring some of the monumental historic churches in the world’s great cities one is moved to wonder. These are spaces of worship built to the glory of God. What do they signify and what is their impact? Pastor Jim will share some of his experience of churches he visited in Italy, Spain and France.
Devotional Thought: What do you think is the impact of our people and place in the community?
November 20th – For the Children (1 Timothy 4:12) This day has been set aside as the National Day of Prayer for Children. Children were important to Jesus and they are important to us. These are quickly changing times with little spiritual depth. The focus will be on the next generation. We will take time to reflect on today’s children and to hold them in prayer. This will be an especially good day to bring the children to worship.
Devotional Thought: How important is it that children learn about Jesus? How?