November 30th “Advent 1 – Hope: John’s Birth Announcement” (Luke 1:1-25) Today is the first Sunday in Advent. Advent means, coming, and gives us a time to prepare and reflect on the coming of Jesus. Do you remember that before the miraculous birth of Christ there was a related but different miraculous birth? The announcement and circumstances of John’s birth make for a dramatic story. We enter into the mystery together.
December 7th “Advent 2 – Peace: John’s Birth” (Luke 1:57 – 86) John is born to be a prophet after a long period of silence. It had been hundreds of years since the last prophet and now the voice of one promised of old. John’s father too would speak after 9 months of not being able to. What comes to us out of long waiting and reflection is worth paying attention to. The news is gloriously good.
December 14th “Advent 3 – Joy” Christmas Cantata by our Choir – Were You There on That Christmas Night? And message – “Jesus Birth” Announcement (Luke 1:26 – 56) It must have been terrifying and wonderful at the same time. An angel, Gabriel appears to a young woman to tell her that she is going to give birth to the Son of God – the Messiah. It is a moment of wonder and the miraculous. Young Mary gives us a song in response. Come share in the wonder of it all.
December 21st “Advent 4 – Love : Jesus’ Birth” (Luke 2:1-7) An event so significant and yet so simple. Given to us with few words and a minimum of detail and in only one account this story has been told again and again for hundreds of years. A story that received minimal attention at the time is now a global celebration. Jesus is born.
December 24th (6:30pm Christmas Eve Candlelight Service) “Advent 5 – Jesus’ Birthday Party” (Luke 2:8 – 20) After Jesus birth the invitations were carefully prepared and sent. The turning point of history and only a select few are in on the time and place. Tonight – you are among them. Join some shepherds and Eastern Mystics for Jesus’ birthday party. Join us for this wonderful family and community service. Service is followed by Apple Cider and light refreshments
December 28th “Jesus childhood” (Luke 2:21 – 52) It is really only Luke who gives us a small window into Jesus’ childhood. We have his presentation at the Temple when he was eight days old and his appearance again at the Temple when he was 12 years old. The rest of his childhood is summed up in a sentence or two. But though the window that Luke gives us there is much and more to see. Guest speaker Pastor Pamela Fitkin.