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Season of Lent (2018)

SEASON OF LENT: During this season leading up to Easter, we will return to our journey through the Gospel of John.

Sunday February 18: Betrayed and Denied (John 13:18-38) Today is a special day for two reasons: it is both the first Sunday in Lent and the first Sunday of the Chinese new year. For our Lenten season we will continue our journey through the Gospel of John. At the beginning of the passion narrative, we have Jesus both betrayed and denied. Both these actions against Jesus are still happening but Jesus, then as now continues to reach out in love. 

Devotional thought:  Have you ever felt like Judas or Peter? Be grateful for the forgiving call of Christ.

Sunday February 25: Preparations for the Journey (John 14:1-14) It is helpful to know where you are going and how to get there in your journey of life. Jesus comforts his disciples and us with some vital information.

Devotional thought: What are your next steps?

Sunday March 4:  Holy Spirit (John 14:15-31; & John 16:5-16) While Jesus warned he was leaving he also assured them he was not leaving them alone. He would send the Holy Spirit who would, come along side of the disciples as a reminder, a teacher, a guide and a light of truth. This same presence of God is at work within among and around us.

Devotional thought: Pray for the Spirit to have freedom to work in your life.

Sunday March 11: Connected (John 15:1-16:4) We have all kinds of ways to connect to one another – phones, texts, email, facebook, snapchat etc. But what are the ways we keep the all-important connection to our Lord? We hope to get some help from today’s text. Jesus invites us to remain in him. Jesus has provided ways for us to be in vital relationship with him.

Devotional thought: If Jesus is a vine, and you are a branch on that vine, how would you describe your fruitfulness?

Sunday March 18: Prayers for Troubled Times (John 16:17-17:26) Jesus is facing the cross and tells his disciples he is leaving them. In this troubling time, Jesus both teaches them about prayer and then offers prayers for them. There is much for us to learn from Jesus’s prayer. There is good news for us.

Devotional thought: Have you experienced the peace of Christ in a time of difficulty?

Sunday March 25 – Palm Sunday Jesus on Parade (John 12:12-19) There are many ideas about Jesus, and what he is about. Some are good and some are even goofy. It can be especially confusing when you look at the followers of Jesus. Have you ever felt embarrassed by the actions or words of Christians? In this text, Jesus is on parade and he intentionally communicates his identity through his actions. Let us learn some truth about Jesus.

Devotional thought: If someone was to learn of Jesus from your words and actions – what kind of a picture of Jesus would that person have?

Friday March 30, 10:30 am – Good Friday Service We will be hosting this joint service wit our area churches – Mimico Presbyterian, Mimico United and Cornerstone Christian Fellowship. This community event will bring us to the cross of Christ where we will reflect on the significance of his death.

Sunday April 1, 10:30 am: Easter Sunday Come join a joyous celebration of the Resurrection of Christ and his victory over sin and death. Our choir presents the Cantata.

See the Canata by clicking on this post.

Sunday April 8, 10:30 amNew World – Day 1 (John 20:1-18) The message of Easter cannot fit into one weekend. We look today at the resurrection account in John’s Gospel. The resurrection takes place on the first day of the week and of a new world. Into the chaos, he brings renewal and life.

Sunday April 15That You May Believe (John 20:19-31) The Risen Jesus appears to his disciples and gifts them with peace, power and a mission. Thomas missed it all and questions the word of his colleagues. Jesus comes to the doubting Thomas, with a dramatic result. He challenges us to believe and find life.

Sunday April 29: Breakfast (John 21:1-14) In one of Jesus resurrection appearances, he provides a breakfast. The disciples had had an unsuccessful night of fishing until Jesus came with some advice. They thought they were going back to the way it was, Jesus points to a new way. Be reminded that Jesus is the voice we need to follow.