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Songs and Sounds of Christmas (Advent 2020)

When the Gospel writer Luke tells the story of Christmas, he adds some music. Included are four songs. Christmas has become a season of carols and lights. We will listen to these five songs, add some light and respond to the life giving sounds of Christ and his birth.

(All service times are Sundays at 10:30 am unless otherwise noted.)

January 3, 2021: Epiphany – Take a Journey (Matthew 2:1-12) We follow the Magi on an amazing journey of exploration and discovery. They sought diligently for what they deemed to be most important. Maybe joining some wise men and women on a journey of discovery in a good idea for 2021.

December 27: Off to Egypt (Matthew 2:13-18) After the first Christmas Mary and Joseph had to take baby Jesus and flee for their lives. Not everything about the Christmas story is joyful. Jesus and his family knew well the hardships, injustice and brokenness of the world. Jesus would fully enter into the brokenness but come through victorious. He is our hope.

December 20: Love – Simeon’s Ancient Song Made New (Luke 2:29-32) God had promised Simeon, a devout and righteous man that he would live to see the Christ. He would come face to face with the Saviour and burst into song. He could go in peace. Can we come face to face with Jesus as we celebrate the salvation he brings? His look is one of love.

December 13: Joy – Angel’s Sing and Shout (Luke 2:1-20) The song of the Angels is an overflow of joy in heaven. The Angels sing in the midst of frightened shepherds. Their routine was dramatically interrupted by glorious good news that would change their lives forever. It is a message that has been changing lives ever since. Today we sing this song of glory and grace as together we worship the Christ. Such joy!

December 6: Peace – Mary’s Song (Luke 1: 26-56) Mary would be a Christ carrier. She was to be the mother of Jesus. This of course calls for a song, and Mary delivers. We too can be Christ carriers, but in a different way. What is our song to the world? Perhaps a song of peace.

November 29: Hope – Zechariah’s Silence and Song (Luke 1:57-80) Zechariah was the father of John the Baptist. John would prepare the way for the coming of Jesus. Before Zechariah would sing his song, he was in an imposed silence. Perhaps that silence was a space in which to reflect on the significance of the coming Saviour of the world. Out of this comes a glorious hope.