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Summer 2016 series

Our summer service begins at 10:00 am EDT.

July 3 (Pastor Jim Sanderson) Glorious (Psalm 72) Together we will look at the Psalm that helped to shape the vision of the founders of Canadian federation. They saw a land ruled from sea to sea by the Lord Jesus. The prayer of our National Anthem is, “God keep our land, glorious and free.” The present reality of Canada may be somewhat different than envisioned but still holds out great opportunity and promise. Canada has opened her arms to welcome the peoples of the world.

Devotional thought: Read sermon text above and consider the place faith in Canada today.  Can you see evidence of the influence of this Psalm?

July 10 (Rev. Alvin Lau) Jesus Wept (John 11:1-44) Pain. Sadness. Grief. These are human emotions that transcend any barrier in life. They are fundamental in what makes us human. We understand Jesus to be fully God and fully human, and yet we sometimes wonder if God actually feels.

Devotional thought: When is the last time you felt emotionally connected to God?

July 17 (Pastor Jim) Walk This Way (I John 1:1-2:14) We will spend some time this summer looking at one of the earliest writings of the church. We will interact with the First Letter of John. John begins with a strong affirmation of Jesus life and work. He then invites us into the benefits. The gospel has a way of changing us. We begin to walk as Jesus did. 

Devotional thought: John describes life with Jesus as walking in the light.  Are there paths in your life that could use more of his light?

July 24 (Jan Thomas) The Light of the World (John 1:1-9, 8:12) Most of us find it difficult to complete an “I am….” statement. Whether from real or false modesty, we don’t like to make positive statements about ourselves. We may be afraid others will not see us as we see ourselves. Jesus had no difficulty describing himself. In at least eight powerful “I am” statements, Jesus told us a great deal about who he is. We will look at “I am the Light of the World.” Life on this earth could not exist without light. The darkest path is illuminated by a single ray of light. Many forms of light provide warmth. We will look at these properties and more to see what they teach us about Jesus.

Devotional thought: Am I opening my heart to all the ways that Jesus can be the light of my life?

July 31 (Pastor Jim) Truth (1 John 2:15-29 & 4:1-6) John is obsessed with the truth. In a pluralistic society where it seems truth is relative it is important for us to listen to what John communicates. Declarations of truth are suspect today and even seen as arrogant. For reasons of integrity and assurance we want to know we are holding onto the truth in crucial matters.  John always speaks of truth in the context of love. Can you handle the truth?

Devotional thought: Would you describe your faith as tentative or confident?  Why?  Will you be a seeker of truth? 

August 7 (Rev. Alvin Lau) Thunder to Love (John 14:15-21) We are often mesmorized when someone has a dramatic change, whether it’s their physical appearance, a tragic turn of events or even their attitudes. Let’s look at John the Apostle’s change and see what we might take from it today.

Devotional thought: Think of 1 person. How can you help them embrace God’s best for them potentially at your own expense? 

August 14 (Jan Thomas) You’re what? (John 6:33,35,48-51, 10:7-9, 15: 1,5) We are sometimes afraid to say positive things about ourselves. If we say, “I am smart,” we might be shown to be foolish. If we say “I am attractive,” someone might accuse us of vanity. Jesus made it very clear to us Who He is in definitive and astonishing “I am” statements. He made no apology for this, usually expanding on each one so that His hearers would clearly understand. Today we will look at more of the “I AM”s” of Christ. While some of the things he said about himself (“I am the door”, “I am the bread of life”, “I am the true vine”) seem strange to us, they are firmly rooted in old testament imagery and make perfect sense when examined carefully. We will rejoice today in a God who chooses to reveal himself to us.

Devotional thought: Have I walked through the door? Have I partaken of the bread of life? Am I an abiding branch?

August 21 (Pastor Jim) Adopted by the Divine (1 John 3:1-15) Some people are into genealogies and exploring their family tree.  Our relations can have quite an impact on our identity.  Our names reveal our family.  John marvels that we can be called children of God.  Imagine being adopted by the Divine – now that would be a name to live up to.  

Devotional thought: It is one thing to know that God invites you to be in his family and another to invite God into your family.  How do you embrace the presence of God in your home?

August 28 (Pastor Jim) Star Ways (John 14:6) We have had quite a week at the J-Deye Academy training the disciples of Lord Jesus.  They have been mastering the gifts of light and truth.  Join us as the faith awakens and we learn the ways of Jesus. 

Devotional thought:  Please be in prayer for the children and youth of holiday club.  May the Truth be with them.

September 4 (Rev. Alvin Lau) Service of Prayers (Exodus 3:14) This weekend tends to be the “calm before the storm” of routines. Let’s take some time to come before Gd together in prayer and worship. May this be a time for your soul to be refreshed before life revs up again.

Devotional thought: Before you head back to your “normal” routine, take some time to express adoration to God, confess your sins, thank him for his blessings and lift up your requests to him.