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Summer Services 2017

July 2: “Walking the Waves” (John 6:16-24) with Pastor Jim

July 9: The composer of “Abide with Me” wrote a line many of us can relate to. “Change and decay in all around I see.” In our world we see changes happening so quickly and constantly. Some change is good: but at the same time, we need things in our lives that are permanent, that we can count on. In Malachi 3 :6, God says, “I am the Lord, I change not.” We will look at what that means for us. With Jan Thomas (our Choir Director and author of two books)
Devotional thought: What things about God’s unchanging nature do I appreciate most?  What changes has God performed in my life?

July 16: “Keep Building” (Haggai 1) Atrophy can be defined as “gradually decline in effectiveness or vigor due to underuse or neglect”. Summer can sometimes lead towards spiritual atrophy. This morning, we join the Israelites in Haggai’s call towards atrophy. May we respond as they did. With Alvin Lau

Devotional thought: What’s one practice you learned in the last couple of months that you need to keep building on?

July 23: “Good Ol’ Days .. Days to Come” (Haggai 2) Do you remember the good ol’ days? How does it compare to the present? Sometimes, we look back with fondness to what happened before. We may even lament why it isn’t like that now. We’ll continue with Haggai and the return of the Israelites and see what God’s word to them was … and is for us today. 

Devotional thought: How do you think God will continue to spur you forward? (What do you need to be involved)?

July 30: “Missing the Point” (John 6:25-70) with Pastor Jim

August 6: “The Real Showbread” (John 6:35) Bread is a significant part of our Christian understanding. In the NIV
Bible, it shows up 271 times. Let’s explore the richness of what Jesus meant when he said he’s the bread of life. With
 Alvin Lau

August 13: “Still Looking” (John 7) with Pastor Jim

August 20: “Trapped?” (John 8:1-11) with Pastor Jim

August 27: “Ancient Paths” (Jeremiah 6:16) Holiday Club Service with Pastor Jim

September 3: “Remember These” (Joshua 3-4) “Do you remember …” To reminisce is to recall what’s happened
before. Around your home, you probably have pictures or other memorabilia that bring back fond memories (and maybe some not-so-fond ones). We’ll look at an event in Israel’s history, and explore how God cements that specific point in time for generations to come (and why). With
 Alvin Lau

Devotional thought: What helps you to remember God’s faithfulness and promises? (Be specific as you list them.)