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Advent 3 – Sing to the Angels! (December 17, 2023)

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This is the third Sunday in Advent. We “Sing with the Angels”. Angels play a large role in the Christmas story. Our choir will present a Christmas cantata highlighting this. Appropriately this is also the day we focus on the gift of joy. cantata: “Sing with the Angels” (by Joel Raney) directed by Jan Thomas

Advent 2016

The Christ of Christmas:  Sometimes Christmas is shortened to Xmas. For some the X, as the first letter in the Greek of Jesus name is just a short form. For many though, the X, as in algebra represents the unknown. Over these weeks we will get acquainted with the Christ of Christmas. November 27: Advent… Read More »Advent 2016

Advent Sermon Series 2015: Blessed Interruptions

Most of the time an interruption is an inconvenience. In these stories interruptions are a pivotal turning points. Be surprised by God this season. November 29th – Advent 1 – Hope: A Family Gathering (Luke 1:26-56) Welcome to the first Sunday in Advent. In Advent we prepare to receive the Christ who comes to us. Over these coming weeks, we… Read More »Advent Sermon Series 2015: Blessed Interruptions

Season of Advent: preparing for the coming of Jesus

November 30th “Advent 1 – Hope: John’s Birth Announcement” (Luke 1:1-25) Today is the first Sunday in Advent. Advent means, coming, and gives us a time to prepare and reflect on the coming of Jesus. Do you remember that before the miraculous birth of Christ there was a related but different miraculous birth? The announcement… Read More »Season of Advent: preparing for the coming of Jesus