All service times are at 10:30 am on Sundays (unless otherwise stated).
June 28: School’s Out (John 14:15-31) This statement is now understood much differently than it used to be. This was when the schools would close for the summer – vacation time. Now, school has in a sense been out since March with teachers and students forced to take classes online. School as we have known it is out. We have yet to learn what September will look like. What about the discipling and teaching capacity of the church? How does the church make disciples and nurture faith in our children and youth when we can’t gather together? We’ll try to grapple with some of these questions. The disciples had similar questions when their teacher, Jesus left them.
Devotional thought: The discipleship process has a lot to do with love for and obedience to Jesus. How are you doing?
June 21: Father’s Day – Our Father – The Lord’s Prayer (Matthew 6:9-13, Luke 11:1-4) It takes a great deal of courage, conviction and hope to recite the prayer taught to us by Jesus, and to really mean it. It is a prayer that can help to carry us through this peculiar time. The prayer given and modelled by Jesus communicates his priorities.
Devotional thought: Pray slowly through the Lord’s prayer thinking about what each phrase means.
June 14: Consecration (Joshua 3) Before the people moved towards Jericho, Joshua instructed them to consecrate themselves for the Lord was about to do amazing things among them. To consecrate means to set apart or dedicate to divine or sacred purposes. What will this mean for us? This is a unique time of opportunity for the church.
Devotional thought: What do you think of being set apart for God’s purposes?
June 7: Secret Spies (Joshua 2) Joshua sent two spies into Jericho to look over the land. From a rather sketchy location, they were able to gain some valuable intel. God was already at work in the land. What parts of our community have we infiltrated and what have we learned? New circumstance are new ways to see God at work. This remarkable story plays into the lineage of Jesus.
Devotional thought: Does it surprise you that Rahab is in the family tree of Jesus?