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The Evolution of Faith in Community (Oct 2016)

This 5-part series (plus a bonus sermon) is preached by Rev. Alvin Lau.


September 26 (the bonus one) “Big and Small” (Job 42:1-6) They say, if you’re looking for answers, just Google it. Indeed, Google does have many answers (although not all of them are necessarily right). It seems we know more now than ever before. But does God fit into all this now? (Or perhaps where do we fit with God?) We’ll explore the big and small of it.

Devotional thought: What do you need to trust with God’s wisdom?


October 2 “The Proposal” (Exodus 20:3) As we travel through this series, we’ll explore how God sees this relationship. The Bible has often used a marriage as an analogy between us and God. What does that exactly entail? We’ll join Moses and the Israelites to see the context of that relationship.

Devotional thought: Are you prepared to accept God’s proposal?


October 9 “The Balance of Contentment” (Philippians 4:10-20) There is a fine line between contentment, complacent and entitlement. We can easily lean towards the other two, but contentment can feel elusive. We’ll look at a couple of moments in King David’s life as a case study into that fine line.

Devotional thought: How do you stay content? (Or what will move you towards contentment?)


October 16 “Far, Far Away” (Psalm 13) There are many times when it feels like God is far, far away. Yet those moments may hold a blessing that we don’t always notice. We’ll empathize together and search for that blessing together.

Devotional thought: When do you feel God’s far away? (How do you respond?)


October 23 “Inclusive Exclusivity” (John 14:6) Sometimes, it seems like Jesus is a paradox. Sometimes he bring peace; other times division. He speaks of the kingdom of God being available to all, then says it’s only for a few. We’ll explore the paradox of “inclusive exclusivity”.

Devotional thought: When you look around, who do you discount from God’s kingdom?


October 30 “To Infinity and Beyond” (John 15:11-15, Revelation 4) As we conclude this series, we look to the present and the future, where are faith is being shaped towards and how it will culminate in the future. Jesus challenges us to “love others as he loved us”. How does look now and what will it lead to in the future?

Devotional thought: How will you love as Jesus loves (based on the definition we explored)?