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The Gospel according to Luke: The Life of Jesus – an orderly account (part 2) (winter 2015)

By a physician and companion of the Apostle Paul.
Join us on a tour through the book of Luke, one of the four gospels in the New Testament. His intro to the book includes these words,
“Therefore, since I myself have carefully investigated everything from the beginning, it seemed good also to me to write an orderly account for you most excellent Theophilus, so that you may know the certainty of the things you have been taught.”
We are not certain who this Theophilus was but we know his name means, “Lover of God.”  Our tour focus will be on Jesus; his life story.
Below is a list of the coming services and our destinations on the tour.  Note that this will be a somewhat un-orderly journey through an orderly account.  Come along for the ride of your life.
January 4th 11:00 – Luke 9 – Learning to Follow Jesus – Welcome to the first Sunday in our 95th year as Mimico Baptist Church.  As we continue our journey through the Gospel of Luke we are taught what it means to follow Jesus.  At the beginning of a new year let us commit to learn together the way of Jesus and to be disciples of Christ.
January 11th 11:00 – Luke 10:1-24 – Thy Kingdom Come Jesus sends out his followers with the message and with demonstrations that the Kingdom of God is near. We join with millions of Christians from around the world praying for the coming of God’s kingdom and for his will to be done. Jesus says, “Yet be sure of this: the kingdom of God is near.” The passage we look at today helps us to know what this looks like and what it means.

January 18th 11:00 – 95th Anniversary Service – Bringing the message will be Carla Nelson.  Carla is the Associate Prof. of Education and Director of the B.Ed. Program at Tyndale.  At 95 we have a lot of years behind us.  There are thousands of stories and thousands of touched lives.  Today our focus won’t as much on our roots as it will be on our branches as they continue to reach out. It is a new day and we face the future with anticipation and hope.

January 25th 11:00 – Luke 10:25-42 – Choices – We frequently come across needs and opportunities to respond with the love of Christ.  We also frequently have our own needs and have opportunities to receive the love of Christ.  These are times of choice and life direction.  Today’s lesson offers us guidance and light.
February 1st, 11:00 – Luke 11:1-13 – Prayer – Impressed with the prayer life of Jesus, his disciples asked him, “Teach us to Pray.”  It is a good request.  Prayer comes easily for some and not so easily for others.  It is both a gift and a discipline to be practiced.  Today we join the disciples in Jesus’ school of Prayer.
February 8th, 11:00 – Luke 11:37-12:12What’s Inside? – Jesus wants us to ave the real gospel, not a cheap imitation.  This means having a reliable source and a discerning heart.  The gospel is far too precious and wonderful to miss. Our lives depend upon it.  Fortunately God values and guards us.
February 15th, 11:00 – Luke 12:13-34 – Wealth – We live in a culture obsessed with wealth.  We are fascinated by the rich and famous and enticed by the lottery ads. “If only we had more money we could be happy and satisfied.” Jesus invites us to a different kind of wealth.  How rich do you want to be?