GYou are invited to the following services offered this summer. This is a season for rest and renewal for many and regular worship is an important part. We also want to remind you of the importance of maintaining regular giving to your church. Our congregation is completely reliant on the gifts of our people to cover all of our ministry expenses and obligations. For your convenience when away you can give securely online at our website. Note too that for the summer months our worship and children’s church are at 10:00 am. 11:00 am services resume September 7th. God bless you – have a great summer.
Included is a 4-part series by Rev. Alvin Lau called “The Ultimate” stemming from the song “In Christ Alone“, a deeply loved song for many people. Within it are key, essential tenets of the Christian faith. Over four sermons, we’ll unpack some foundational truths God communicates through this song.
June 29th “Rooted” (Colossians 2:6,7) Summer is when trees put out their roots to draw in the nourishment that gives them life and makes them grow. What they receive in the summer is what sustains the tree through the cold dark winter. We need to be rooted too. We will put out our roots and receive life. Happy Birthday Canada! Today we celebrate and pray for our nation. “God keep our land.”
*The following service times begin at 10:00am.*
July 6: “The Ultimate Hope” Lots of unexpected things happen in life. It can feel turbulent. In that whirlwind of chaos, what (or who) keeps you grounded? We’ll explore what Jesus claims.
July 13th “God – and us” (Psalm 100) Is there a God? Who is he? What is he like? Do I matter to him and does he matter to me? Lots of questions face us when we talk to others about faith. Psalm 100 is often used as a call to worship because it gives us a great introduction to the God who keeps us. This Psalm brings us into God’s presence.
July 20: “The Ultimate Gift” Life is messy. We look around and notice that things aren’t what they’re supposed to be. Yet God doesn’t just leave it for us to deal with. Jesus came. We’ll explore what the ramifications of that is.
July 27th “Good Scents, Bad Scents and No Scents.” Guest speaker and author Jan Thomas will be bringing the message using material from a new book she is writing.
August 3: “The Ultimate Freedom” Despair sometimes paralyzes us without an end in sight, whether it’s real or perceived. Yet Jesus promises freedom in him. We’ll see what’s behind that claim this morning.
August 10: “The Ultimate Life” Everyone wants the good life. But what really defines it? Jesus claims it is based in him. If so, how does it impact us today?
August 17th “God – Creator and Sustainer” (Psalm 104) In summer we spend more time appreciating the beauty and pleasures of nature. We also on occasion see frightening expressions of nature in storms and vulnerabilities of disease and decay. The scriptures introduce us to the Creator God and the one who sustains life. There is much good news for us.
August 24th “IMPACT” (Ephesians 2:10) Holiday Club Service This week at IMPACT headquarters we have been training and commissioning Sacred Service Agents. Children have a particularly significant mission in God’s Kingdom work. This is good and world changing stuff. Don’t miss this.
August 31st “God – Saviour and Lord” (Isaiah 40) There is great news in this chapter. We are reminded of the awesome power and care of God. This powerful yet loving God.
*The following service times begin at 11:00am.*
September 7nd “God – Three in One” (Ephesians 2:18) We are monotheists – believing in one God and yet we believe this one God to be three. We call this belief the trinity. This is how God has revealed himself to us. We didn’t make it up. There is something very wonderful about this truth that we should all know and embrace. Come – all of you.
September 14th 11:00: God – Three in One – continued (Acts 2:32) Last week we focused on the unique and wonderful way the three persons of God bring us into relationship and enlarge our lives in worship and witness. Today we will focus on God’s work of salvation. This salvation is both personal and global. It involves nothing less than the making right of the world – God’s will on earth as in heaven. This will be a message rich with glorious good news.