Yay, they’re finally here! Three hours after touching down, they walked through the sliding glass doors and saw Nelly, with sign, right in front of them. All four of them were very happy and receptive. There were lots of hugs and a few tears, too. They are overjoyed by the apartment and the lake, as they had no idea what to expect. We left them at 9pm to settle in and sleep.
Nelly and I will be checking in on them tomorrow afternoon. Raymonde and Paul are going to spend time in the neighbourhood with them on Sat. We’ve got appointments booked on Monday and Tuesday with our settlement worker and with TDSB. The rest, we’ll figure out as we go.
We’ll have more to share soon. A few photos, as well.
Well done folks. I think we can all feel good about our efforts and our blessings. Amen.
Peace be upon you,