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Under Construction Series (April to June 2017)

From April 23 to June 25, we will be worshiping at the Hendry Hall at the Presbyterian Church while our building receives a new entrance.
While our building is under construction to make it more accessible and to expand the possibilities of ministry we thought it would be a good time for our congregation to do a little rebuilding too. We will be in a new venue for our worship services giving us opportunity to try some innovations. During the weeks of displacement we will review what it means to be disciples of Christ using our church discipleship document.
1 Peter 2:4-5 says, As you come to him, the living Stone—rejected by humans but chosen by God and precious to him— you also, like living stones, are being built into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood, offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.
The strength of our house/congregation depends to a large degree on you. Please plan to participate in the coming services.  

1. A committed follower of Jesus – Step 1: meeting Jesus

April 23: “My feet on a Rock” (1 Peter 2: 6-7a, Psalm 40:1-3) Jesus tells a parable about the wise and foolish builders. The wise builders established their building/lives on a rock – a solid foundation. As we rebuild our lives we want to start at the base. There are some foundational issues that need to be addressed. It all starts with Christ who is our cornerstone and our foundation. Where are you in relation to Jesus?

April 30: “A Work in Progress” (Matthew 7:24) Before the walls go up the footings are laid to provide solid and level support. The first weight bearing layers of wall need to be well placed to set the course of what follows. There are first steps to be considered and followed. If obedience is building on the Rock of Jesus, what are the next steps for you?


2. A practitioner of the Christian disciplines – Step 2: following Jesus

May 7: “Built to Last” (2 Cor. 3:18, Acts 2:42-47) It is the walls that help to give shape and define the building. At this stage we need to consider the building materials; the building blocks that give shape to who we are and our character. It is in the practice of the Christian disciplines that give strength and definition to our faith and living. Consider the importance of prayer, knowing the bible, worship and giving. 

These are some of the building blocks of a healthy Christian life.

May 14: “Getting the Word In: There are essential Christian disciplines or practices that help to form and transform us in redemptive life giving ways. Last week we received some teaching; now let’s put our lessons into practice. Today we’ll focus on the Scriptures and how to listen and absorb them. Get the Word out and in. This should be both beneficial and fun.

May 21: “GraceChat” Sometimes it is easier to talk about prayer than to actually pray. This essential practice needs practice. We will explore and enter into various models of prayer.

3. A Witness to the Kingdom Building work of Jesus – Step 3: becoming like Jesus

May 28: “Rooms with a View” (Acts 1:8) It is the windows, doors and other features of the house that enables a relationship between those in the building and those outside. As we construct a new entrance to make our building accessible, we need to think about accessibility in broader terms. How do we make the presence and ministry of Jesus accessible to others? We will consider for a while what we see when we look out. How well do we know our neighbours and community? If we like windows provide a view of the heavenly, what will that look like?

June 4: “Inside Out” (Acts 2:42-47, Acts 4:13) What do people see when they look at us? Does the presence of our people and place have an impact on the lives and community around us? What is it that gets noticed?

4. A faithful member of the Church Step 4: sharing Jesus

June 11: “Pentecost” (Hebrews 10:24-25) The church of course is a people – the Body of Christ. No matter how wonderful and accessible our building, what really matters is us. 1 Peter 2:5 describes us as, “like living stones, are being built into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood, offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.” We each are called to both be and to do something as well we together are called to be and do something. We need to be all in for this to truly work.

June 18: “Restoring the Rhythm” (Hebrews 10:19-25)

June 25: Celebration service with Mimico Presbyterian Church