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What’s in the Toolbox? (May-June 2015 series)

What’s in the Toolbox?

You need the right tools for the job. When Christ calls and enlists us in his service he provides the resources we need.  Over the next number of weeks we will be encouraged, equipped and empowered.

May 3rd (Hosea 2, 11) Alluring Love – Take great comfort in this, “His love endures forever.” Our God is a seeking God, a good shepherd who goes after the lost to bring them home. This is God’s mission and he invites us into it.  God moves in steadfast love to draw people to the abundant life that he gives. An inspiring example of this is God’s faithful and steadfast love to the people of Israel. As disciples of Christ this is our hope and strength.

May 10th Mother’s Day (John 14:15-16; 16:5-16) GiftJesus promised his followers a gift that would be like, but better than his own presence. It was his way of keeping his promise to be with them to the end of the age. This gift – the Holy Spirit is the presence of God revealing truth and moving in grace over the world. He would be uniquely and intimately with the disciples of Jesus.

May 17th (Galatians 5:16-25) Fruit – One of the important definers of a person’s life and a disciple’s witness is their character. Are you of good or of bad character? How does one develop good character? The Spirit of God is at work in the life of a believer to produce Christ like qualities. You are such a character.

May 24th Pentecost (1 Corinthians 12:1-11) Gifts – We celebrate the coming of the Holy Spirit upon the early Christians. The Holy Spirit is described as a gift but we must also appreciate that the Holy Spirit gives gifts. These gifts are given as special abilities to help us in service of Christ and his Church. We have a lot of gifts to open.

May 31st (2 Timothy 3:14-4:5) Scripture – The scriptures are described as a double edged sword. We should therefore recognize its power and that it requires some instruction and care to use. A most important resource given to us, we must make effort to know and apply God’s Word to our lives. Draw your sword. En guard!

June 7th (John 17:15-21) Out There – The followers of Christ gather together and then they scatter in a kind of breathing rhythm. All together on Sunday and then off we go our separate ways. What happens when we are out there, after we move out from the community? Are we on our own and what does it mean for us to be in the world but not of it? Most of our week is lived in the wider community but is impacted by our time with the community of Christ.

June 14th (1 Timothy 4:12) Our Youth Today has been set aside as a ‘National Day of Prayer for Youth’. The world of our youth is complicated, soaked in social media and somewhat uncertain about the future. They would appreciate our prayers and encouragement. How will the new generations embrace the message and mission of Christ? We must be faithful in passing on and entrusting to the next generations this very sacred trust. We love and value our youth.
June 21st (Philippians 1:3-11) Partners – We can always do so much more together than we can do alone. Even Jesus pulled together a team, as did the Apostle Paul. We are grateful for the many that have come along side of us and for the joy we have had to come alongside of others. We celebrate the partnerships we enjoy as we serve God and the resulting benefits.  
June 28th (Colossians 1:27) Community – Our mission statement is that we are, “A community of Christ sharing Christ with our communities. We’ll take some time today to explore the foundation of our mission, to be a community of Christ. There is a verse that says, “Christ in you, the hope of glory”. The you is us. The presence of Christ in us makes all kinds of things possible. Prepare to be excited and encouraged.
July 5th (2 Corinthians 1:3-11) Hardship – We have been looking at the resources our Lord equips us with. We have been calling it our toolbox. This tool we might rather leave in the box. We grapple with the ministry opportunities and even blessings of hardship. We certainly do not seek hardship but when it comes to you, look for the grace of our Lord bringing comfort and strength. We so often come out stronger on the other side.