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Adult Sunday School Series

Adult Sunday School Series

A summary of each series the adult Sunday school class will be exploring.

Summer Schedule for Christian Education

During our summer months (July 5 to September 6), there will not be any Sunday school classes. However, during the church service, there will be activities for children ages 4-10. Please note that our summer service begins at 10:00am (not 11:00).

Mustard Seeds

Series dates: May 24 to June 28, 2015 We will be using Jan Thomas’ new book, Mustard Seeds: Significant Small Things of Scripture, as the basis of a study of small but important objects, details of stories, and people in the Bible.  If you know the Bible well, this may introduce you to some new… Read More »Mustard Seeds

Acts of Transformation

Series date: April 19 to May 17, 2015 The Adult Sunday School Class is starting a study on April 19 entitled “Acts of Transformation.”  It is a short (4-5 week) study of Acts chapter 2, outlining how the Holy Spirit began transforming individuals, families, churches and communities.  This progression is still necessary today – transformed… Read More »Acts of Transformation