Jesus Today
We will take a fresh look at John’s Gospel. Of the four accounts of Jesus’ life and teachings, John takes a unique approach. Written to the church it is an accessible story rich in significance and insight. He describes and demonstrates the great truths of salvation, creation\re-creation, incarnation, the kingdom of God, belief and practice. We will apply all this to today’s reality.
January 15: Among Us (John 1:1-18) The message of John 1 is that God took on human flesh and moves among us. This is remarkable news with huge implications for how we live and how we do ministry. What is Jesus doing today and how can we be a part of it? Together I expect we will make some exciting discoveries.
Devotional Thought: At the end of each day this week consider when you may have sensed Jesus at work.
January 29: Voice in the Wilderness (John 1:19-34 & 3:22-36) To prepare the way for Jesus, a messenger was sent in advance to get people ready. John the Baptist, the ‘advance man’ called people to turn their lives around so that they could face Jesus when he came to them. His credibility was evident and his reputation wide. He introduced many to Jesus.
Devotional Thought: What does it mean for us to be God’s voice in today’s wilderness? What would it look or sound like?
February 5: Follow Me (John 1:35-51) The call still stands – continues to be extended – and sometimes to the most unlikely. As Jesus gathers disciples, we see the call extended, sometimes by Jesus directly, and sometimes through another. How are people responding to this call today?
Devotional Thought: How have you heard the call of Jesus in your life? Give thanks.
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February 12: Glory Revealed (John 2:1-11) Jesus performs his first miraculous sign at a wedding.
Devotional Thought: Can you think of a time when you witnessed the glory of the Lord? Did it result in greater faith?
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February 19: This Temple (John 2:12-25) The temple holds a central and significant place in Judaism and uniquely in Christianity too.
Devotional Thought: In the New Testament both the Christian and the Church (Christians in community) are described as temples where God dwells.
February 26: Seeing the Kingdom (John 3:1-21) A curious Pharisee comes to question Jesus at night. Before he can ask the question, Jesus gives him the answer. Jesus shares some truly important and revolutionary information. The Kingdom is about being born from above; being born again. Jesus was bringing heaven to earth; light and life.
Devotional Thought: Do you want to see the Kingdom of God?
March 5: Another Good Samaritan (John 4:1-42) A most unlikely encounter and conversation brings about a major faith impact on a Samaritan village. It is said the God works in mysterious ways. Who knows what God might do in your community? And who knows how he will do it? This is CBOQ Sunday, so we will focus some time on our extended family.
Devotional Thought: If you have a personal encounter with Jesus, who would you tell?
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March 12: Miraculous Signs (John 4 ;43-54) For some people to believe they want some kind of miraculous proof. Ever wonders why some believe in Jesus and others don’t? Do you wonder what it would take to turn a life around to face him?
Devotional Thought: What moved/or moves you towards Jesus?
March 26: A Sign of the Kingdom (John 5:1-15) A man with a disability gets what he wants but only later does he learn that it was Jesus who healed him. Are there people who have met Jesus, even been helped by Jesus without realizing it?
Devotional Thought: Have you ever looked back on a time in your life and only realised with hindsight that it was an experience of the hand of God?