Our journey through the Gospel of Luke takes us into the climax of the book. Together, this series digs into the final week of Jesus’ time on earth.
March 29th, 11:00 – Palm Sunday – Luke 19:28-48 – Jesus Wept – Though Jesus was received and celebrated by some as he approached Jerusalem he is moved to tears at the sight of the city. The depth of the compassion Jesus has for a people not embracing their Saviour is something that should grip our own hearts. How is Jesus being received in our own city.
April 3rd, 10:30 – Good Friday Service – A community service for area churches this year hosted by our church. Details to follow.
April 5th, 11:00 – Easter Sunday – Cantata and brief message – Luke 24 selected verses – Companion – One of the great stories of Easter is the one about Jesus coming along side some people walking along a road. Jesus speaks to them about the promises of Scripture and the longings of people’s heart. He tells how Jesus fulfilled them. The risen Lord still comes along side as our companion on the journey.