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Moving Towards the Heart of God, part 2: Thy Kingdom Come (September 15, 2024)

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Jesus taught us to pray, “thy Kingdom come…” and, a few verses later, told to make our first priority his kingdom. Living in and for God’s kingdom here on earth is our calling – and our great challenge. Our initial response to this challenge is prayer. We continue our look at prayer, using the Lord’s… Read More »Moving Towards the Heart of God, part 2: Thy Kingdom Come (September 15, 2024)

Why I Came (FEbruary 4, 2024

We see Jesus operating a very popular and successful healing ministry. He works late into the night and the next morning when his disciples want to bring him to the waiting patients, Jesus declares that he is moving on to other locations. He says, “This is why I came”. His mission is one he invites… Read More »Why I Came (FEbruary 4, 2024

96th Anniversary Service

Sunday January 24th 96th Anniversary Service with the Rev. Dr. Terry Smith as our guest speaker. Terry is the new General Secretary of Canadian Baptist Ministries and a resident with his family in Mimico. Come celebrate with us. title: Our Local church – locus of mission passage: Psalm 145, Luke  13:18-21

The Gospel according to Luke: The Life of Jesus – an orderly account (part 2) (winter 2015)

By a physician and companion of the Apostle Paul. Join us on a tour through the book of Luke, one of the four gospels in the New Testament. His intro to the book includes these words, “Therefore, since I myself have carefully investigated everything from the beginning, it seemed good also to me to write… Read More »The Gospel according to Luke: The Life of Jesus – an orderly account (part 2) (winter 2015)